As we enter the second month of the editorial calendar, Old Soul Wednesdays is evolving and we wanted to share details of that process with you, our community and audience.
The Publication
The biggest and most important change is that the blog has become a bit more formalized. We’re calling it The Publication for now, but it might grow into a new name eventually.
What having a digital publication with articles instead of a blog with blog posts means to us is that the content is of a higher quality. This also opens the door for eventual print issues, if that’s something our audience wants.
The Reading List
We’re also going to be using The Reading List a bit differently. It will now be a regularly updated feature as opposed to a static list. New additions will be at the top of the list, and you can also find them in our new monthly email, The Newsletter.
The Newsletter
The Newsletter launched last week and will go out on the first Wednesday of every month going forward. The Newsletter will touch upon The Publication and The Reading List in a format that mostly looks back at the previous month, but also introduces the new monthly theme on The Publication.
The Takeaways
The Newsletter is a great way to catch up on the highlights from Old Soul Wednesdays. We hope you’ll check out The Publication and The Reading List in between newsletters, too.
And of course, we’ll still be posting on Instagram about new articles, new books, and our three tenets of things that make us feel human in a digital age: the senses, the mind, and community.
Within the umbrella of the senses, you’ll continue to find content about visual aesthetics, movement, music, scents, and taste. Our exploration of the mind includes books, bookstores, writing, and high quality digital content. The community aspect includes human connection and communication in a digital age, making friends as adults, and shopping local to support local makers.
This is how the future looks from here, but we have a hunch that our vision for Old Soul Wednesdays will continue to evolve. If you’re reading this, we’re thrilled to have you join us!