25 year old Startup Founder in Boston, MA

- Reading Now: Learning SQL by Alan Beaulieu
- Favorite Book and/or Author: Toss-up between three: The Engines of God, amazing sci-fi that really puts into perspective the lengths to which a group of people could go to survive; Dune, a classic sci-fi journey thriller; Wild Ones, this book is a masterpiece and really brings out tears of inspiration.
- Favorite Genres: Sci-fi, Fantasy, and Educational
- Book You Really Want to Read Next: Mushrooms Demystified or Tribe of Mentors, both books I received this year and have been waiting to explore.
- Book You've "Really Wanted to Read Next" for Several Years: Learning SQL, it has been in the queue for a while and I've slowly morphed into a script-kiddy, I'd really like to learn how my scripts work rather than throwing them into the workbench on the fly. If not Learning SQL, probably a Javascript book I shelved two years ago.
- Least Favorite Book: Culture Matters, Harrison and Huntington are full of it and need to learn more about historical context, geography and environment, and technological development/competition. Recommend reading this one side-by-side with Why Nations Fail, great juxtaposition and they provide counter arguments for each other.
- Shortest Number of Pages You've Read in a Book Before Deciding to Abandon It: ~2-3 pages
- Favorite Local Book Store and Why It's Your Favorite: Not local, but Powell's Books in Portland, OR. It has 3-4 floors of pure book bliss. The building itself is separated by genres associated with colors (Gold being my favorite: Sci-fi/Fantasy). There's also an old book section, where they curate rare books. I could spend a week there and still be browsing books.